Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cupid draw back your bow...

This Valentine's Day I had the best Valentine(s) a girl could ask for!  Josh, Jaxson, and Foster took me out to a BBQ dinner (my fav) and showered me with beautiful flowers and candy.  Josh had the boys ready when I got home from work and we all headed out to a low-key dinner at Lancaster's BBQ.  Best Brunswick stew around! It was perfect.  My little Cupids stole my heart for sure!

And of course, as with every holiday, we had a lovely photo shoot...


 "Hey, let go!"



 Love Jaxson's face...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Standing tall!

The boys had their 6 month check-up today and are doing great!  Foster weighs 16.1 lbs and Jaxson weighs 15.3 lbs!  They are getting so big.  Josh was Mr. Mom taking the boys to the doctor since I couldn't break away from work.  Juggling work and family is a challenge, let me tell ya!  But I will say the time I do spend with them at home is much more valuable and special.

So, Jaxson is now teething.  (I can't remember if I mentioned that in my last post)  He is also standing!  We had to lower the crib to the lowest rung so he doesn't decide to climb out!  Foster is still rocking and rolling!  He is perfectly capable of crawling and sitting I think but chooses not to...he knows that Mommy will bring him whatever he needs!  They are "talking" and squealing a lot...they have become very vocal!

Check out some new pics below...

Jaxson standing in his crib.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go...

Monday marked my first day back to work in about 8 months!  I accepted a job as a Product Information Specialist at Lowe's in their corporate office.  I am very excited about this opportunity but it's also bittersweet.  I am thrilled to be able to bring home an income and have access to more affordable income but I will miss spending my days playing with Jaxson and Foster.  Josh, however, has taken on the role of stay-at-home dad with ease!  He's super dad for, cleaning, and taking care of the boys!  Thankfully I don't have to worry about the day-to-day operations at home.  I joke with Josh to make sure and tell the boys I miss them, love them, and not to forget about mommy!  I am so fortunate and thankful that I was able to spend 6 1/2 months with them, more than most!

The boys are growing and changing like crazy!  Foster is now rolling over from back to belly (finally) and getting up on his knees and rocking.  He's also started to "army" crawl a little!  I think he can do everything that Jaxson can but just chooses not too.  He's perfectly content just laying around but every now and then he'll rock and roll!

Jaxson's bottom teeth are coming in so he's been chewing on everything!  He continues to rock on his knees but can crawl forward a little.  He's sitting up more and able to go from a crawl stance to sitting with ease.  He can also say "Dada" but doesn't realize exactly what he's saying.

I can't believe how fast they are growing!  I really wish I could pause time every now and then and live in those moments.