Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We made it through our first Thanksgiving with only a few minor disasters.  I decided to cook almost all the Thanksgiving meal for the second time in my life.  My mother-in-law brought the stuffing and pumpkin pie, my mother brought the booze, and Josh smoked the turkey.  My favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal is the sweet potato casserole which proved almost disastrous.  My marshmallow topping overflowed onto the bottom of the oven filling the entire house with smoke!  This tripped our smoke alarm which is hardwired to our security company...the dispatcher promptly chimed in over the loudspeaker asking if we needed the fire department.  I, embarrassingly, explained that I just burned dinner!  At least the house didn't burn down and it does make for a good story!

We were able to celebrate Thanksgiving with my dad and Darla on Wednesday!  They provided my favorite Thanksgiving treat, PIZZA!

This Thanksgiving allowed us to really reflect and think about what's important to us.  It's not money or material things but family, good health, and friendship.  I am so thankful that the boys have such wonderful grandparents and are able to spend so much time with them.

Check out some pictures from our Turkey Day photo shoot and dinner!

 "Who you calling a turkey, turkey?"



 Foster with Grandma
 Jaxson with Granny
 Foster with Poppy
 Granny and Papa with Jaxson
Happy Thanksgiving from the Ayers!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Exersaucers, Johnny Jump Ups, and check-ups!

The boys started playing in their Exersaucers and Johnny Jump Ups this week which made for some great entertainment!  Jaxson was a little terrified of one element on the Exersaucer and Foster hated the Johnny Jump Up!  Check out the pictures and video below!

The boys had their 4 month check-up on Thursday and they did great!  They did receive their second round of immunizations which was hard on mommy but they were troopers.  Foster weighed in at 13 lbs. and Jaxson at 12 lbs. 10 oz.  Foster is 1/2 an inch longer at 25.5" long making and Jaxson 25" long.  They are getting so big!

 Jaxson in his Exersaucer
Foster in his Exersaucer
 Jaxson enjoying some hang time in his Johnny Jump Up.
Foster, not so much!
Video of Jaxson startled by his Exersaucer!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Twin talk!

I caught the boys "talking" to each other in the crib this afternoon!  Check it out...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Milestones and a little rant about women's rights!

The boys are changing so much!  Foster and Jaxson both have become successful thumb suckers...not sure how happy I am about it but it's pretty darn cute!  Jaxson has almost learned to turn himself onto his belly, he's really close I'd say by the end of the week he'll be rolling from back to belly!  Foster's torticollis is nearly gone, so thrilled!  His physical therapist said he will most likely be released at his next appointment!  As we were playing at PT there was a young girl participating in speech therapy in the next room.  We could hear the therapist singing notes then the girl repeating...well Foster decided he wanted to participate as well.  The therapist let out a note and Foster responded with his note right on cue!  Amy (Foster's therapist) and I looked at each other and busted out was precious!

Both boys are becoming more vocal laughing, cooing, and ahhing and even responding to our baby talk!  I love it.  We are approaching the 4 month mark and I am quickly (and rudely) reminded that time is not slowing down.

Now for my little rant.  NBC Nightly News featured a story on Mississippi's Measure 26, the "Personhood" amendment, that sent me into oblivion!  Mississippi is attempting to pass a law that makes certain forms of birth control illegal, abortions illegal, and processes involved with the IVF and embryo storage illegal.  So basically ALL abortions would become illegal (ectopic pregnancy, rape, incest, other high risk/life threatening pregnancies), certain forms of birth control, and determine how IVF patients use their frozen embryos.  As an IVF patient I do not want the government to tell me what I can and cannot do with my embryos.  This is an extreme invasion of privacy on so many levels.  This entire legislation is based on religion and faith which should not be taken into account when passing laws, especially when dealing with something so intimate and personal.  Hello..separation of church and state mean anything to you?  Shame on you Mississippi for even considering putting this on the ballot.  You can read more about this story here, here, and here.  Okay, I think I'm done now.  Had to throw in a little controversy to make things a little more entertaining.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Apples, bananas, and a monkey

What a week so far!  The boys are doing wonderful!  Foster has found his thumb and loves it!  They are beginning to mimic facial adorable!  Jaxson will try to blow raspberries back at you, Foster will stick out his tongue, and they are now laughing out loud!  They are getting so big and changing so much.  I wish I could capture every moment on film.  We head back to the pediatrician next week, I am anxious to see how much they weigh.

After going through my first 25lbs of apples I decided to get 50lbs more!  Boy was I ambitious.  I spent most of today peeling, slicing, and dicing apples for more applesauce, apple butter, and apple bread!  I successfully canned 30 jars of applesauce and made a large batch of apple butter (I ran out of cans before I could can the butter).  All the while I dreamt of starting my own (small) baby food and jelly business...big dreams for my small kitchen!  For those of you who know me (I mean really know me) you can see just how much of a success story this really is...I'm no Betty Crocker or Paula Deen!  In the midst of my own little apple festival I managed to crank out two loaves of pumpkin bread as about multi-tasking!  I don't mean to toot my own horn but going back to the previous statement this is quite a feat.  

In addition to my sudden spark of domestic behavior the boys enjoyed their first Halloween as a monkey (Foster) and a banana (Jaxson).  We attended our very first LKN MoMs (Lake Norman Moms of Multiples) Halloween party on Sunday and it was a hoot.  Lots of twins and twin parents, I love learning what to expect next and relating to other twin moms, they are an AWESOME resource.  

Finally, this morning, before my apple craze, I woke the boys up at 6:30 am for Harris Teeter's Super Double coupon event!  This was my first couponing trip with the boys...normally I go at night while Josh watches them.  I strapped Foster to my chest in his carrier and left Jaxson in his car seat strapped to the buggy and away we went!  Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with super doubles...Harris Teeter will double any manufacturer's coupon up to $1.98 (limit 20 coupons).  This is a big deal.  I scored some free dish soap, shaving gel, tea, and a few other things.  My total was $186.32 minus my coupons brought the total down to $115.24.  I'm not the best couponer out there but I was pleased with my excursion...especially with two baby boys tagging along!  

 My bounty of applesauce, pumpkin bread, and apple bread.
 Foster found his thumb!
 Foster the monkey chillin' in his car seat.
 Jaxson the banana hanging with daddy.
 My lil' monkey.
 Monkey trying to get his banana.
My lil' banana.