Monday, December 12, 2011

Jolly ole St. Nick

Yesterday the boys met Santa, though it wasn't a really big production for them (more for us).  We attended the LKN Mother of Multiples Christmas Party and it was a blast being around all ages of multiples and their reactions to Santa!  Of course I had them dressed in appropriately themed hats AND booties found on Etsy.  Oh how I wish I could knit or crochet.  Once we returned home we posed for another photo shoot...see below.

Well, Jaxson looks like he's almost ready to crawl!  He will get up on his knees and rock...only for a few seconds but he's getting stronger everyday!  Foster has now started to hold the bottle during feedings, it's pretty cute!  He can't get all the way through the feeding...I think his little arms get tired!  Both boys are growing and changing so much...they'll be 5 months tomorrow!

 Santa's little elves
 Ho, ho, ho!
 Okay, look left.
 Now, look right.
 Best presents under the tree.

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