Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Apples, bananas, and a monkey

What a week so far!  The boys are doing wonderful!  Foster has found his thumb and loves it!  They are beginning to mimic facial adorable!  Jaxson will try to blow raspberries back at you, Foster will stick out his tongue, and they are now laughing out loud!  They are getting so big and changing so much.  I wish I could capture every moment on film.  We head back to the pediatrician next week, I am anxious to see how much they weigh.

After going through my first 25lbs of apples I decided to get 50lbs more!  Boy was I ambitious.  I spent most of today peeling, slicing, and dicing apples for more applesauce, apple butter, and apple bread!  I successfully canned 30 jars of applesauce and made a large batch of apple butter (I ran out of cans before I could can the butter).  All the while I dreamt of starting my own (small) baby food and jelly business...big dreams for my small kitchen!  For those of you who know me (I mean really know me) you can see just how much of a success story this really is...I'm no Betty Crocker or Paula Deen!  In the midst of my own little apple festival I managed to crank out two loaves of pumpkin bread as about multi-tasking!  I don't mean to toot my own horn but going back to the previous statement this is quite a feat.  

In addition to my sudden spark of domestic behavior the boys enjoyed their first Halloween as a monkey (Foster) and a banana (Jaxson).  We attended our very first LKN MoMs (Lake Norman Moms of Multiples) Halloween party on Sunday and it was a hoot.  Lots of twins and twin parents, I love learning what to expect next and relating to other twin moms, they are an AWESOME resource.  

Finally, this morning, before my apple craze, I woke the boys up at 6:30 am for Harris Teeter's Super Double coupon event!  This was my first couponing trip with the boys...normally I go at night while Josh watches them.  I strapped Foster to my chest in his carrier and left Jaxson in his car seat strapped to the buggy and away we went!  Now, for those of you who are unfamiliar with super doubles...Harris Teeter will double any manufacturer's coupon up to $1.98 (limit 20 coupons).  This is a big deal.  I scored some free dish soap, shaving gel, tea, and a few other things.  My total was $186.32 minus my coupons brought the total down to $115.24.  I'm not the best couponer out there but I was pleased with my excursion...especially with two baby boys tagging along!  

 My bounty of applesauce, pumpkin bread, and apple bread.
 Foster found his thumb!
 Foster the monkey chillin' in his car seat.
 Jaxson the banana hanging with daddy.
 My lil' monkey.
 Monkey trying to get his banana.
My lil' banana.

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