Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week of Firsts...

This has been a very exciting week for the Ayers clan!  Jaxson and Foster have had many "firsts" this week...almost something every day.

Foster said Ma-Ma for the first time on Saturday on our way to see the McGraths!  While at Rachel and Alan's they boys "swam" for the first time in Miss Eleanor's splash pool.  Poor Ellie wasn't sure what do with my crazy boys invading her space; but she held her own.

Jaxson said Ma-Ma for the first time on Wednesday!  Nothing sweeter than hearing ma-ma for the first time!  However, I am sure they have no idea what they're saying...but that's ok with me!

I took Friday off and we all headed to Birkdale for a quick outing.  Of course we had to make a stop at TCBY for some frozen yogurt!  Being the nice mommy I am I shared my fro-yo with Jaxson and Foster...I wish I could have gotten their faces on camera!  They haven't experienced anything that cold before...their faces were priceless!  After they recovered from their brain freeze they couldn't get enough...they loved it!

Finally, today we headed to Jetton Park for some mommy and son time while daddy went fishing.  Our last "first" for the week involved a swing set!  Check out the video below of the boys swinging for the first time...

Foster, Jaxson, & Ellie playing in the pool
 Jaxson swinging
Foster swinging 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Here comes Peter Cottontail...

Foster and Jaxson are getting so big.  They are both standing, crawling, and getting into everything!  They are talking and jabbering like crazy...we have mastered "ba-ba", "da-da", and "pa"...still no "ma-ma".  Jaxson sticks his tongue out all the time, especially when he's trying to get into something!  Foster, on the other hand, bites his lower lip.  So funny.  They are so giggly too...whenever we make funny noises or faces they both just giggle.

We have started introducing water and a sippy cup.  Both have failed terribly.  Foster hates water, he makes the most awful faces if you give it to him...and then gets mad when he figures out it's not milk.  Jaxson just chews on the end of the bottle and won't drink.  We started mixing in a little bit of juice with the water and that seems to help.  The sippy cup was a disaster!  They hated it, screaming and crying for their regular bottle.  They kept throwing down the sippy cup and screaming.  However, something clicked today and they drank from the sippy with no tantrums!  Quite amazing.

Last weekend the boys met the Easter Bunny and had their pictures taken.  We also participated in an Easter Egg "Hunt" with the LKN Mothers of Multiples...really we just put a few eggs in front of the boys and let them play.  Nothing too exciting.  Finally, this morning we gave them their Easter baskets filled with a stuffed animal, "Pat the Bunny", "Run-Away Bunny".  Then we headed to the park for our Easter photo shoot...

Pictures from the LKN Mothers of Multiples Easter Party and our Easter Photo Shoot...

 Foster & Jaxson with the Easter Bunny
 "Hunting" for Easter Eggs
 Hello Foster!
 Jaxson found 2 eggs!
 Hanging with mommy
 Nana tickling Foster with her scarf


